Consulate Participated in Foodex Saudi 2022

Consulate Participated in Foodex Saudi 2022

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 28 Feb 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Feb 2022

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On February 28, 2022, H.E. Mr. Soradjak Puranasamriddhi, Consul-General of Thailand, along with Mr. Apichat Prasertsud, Director of Thai Trade Center in Jeddah, visited a Thailand's exhibition at "Foodex Saudi 2022". Thailand aimed to promote Thai food and beverage products among Saudi buyers as well as to publicize the role of Thai Trade Center as a local Thai government agency that can help facilitate business matching between Saudi businesspeople and Thai entrepreneurs.

On this occasion, Consul-General and Director met with several businesspeople who are interested in importing Thai products. 

In addition to bringing samples of more than 50 products from many Thai manufacturers to display at the exhibition, the Consulate General and Thai Trade Center also publicized Halal information of the Central Islamic Committee of Thailand as well as information on the new concept of "Amazing New Chapters" of the Tourism Authority of Thailand. 

